Tomato – Slicing – Cherokee Purple


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Tomato – ‘Slicing – Cherokee Purple’

  • Growing Temp 65°F – 85°F
  • Days to Maturity 80-90 days
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Tomato – ‘Slicing – Cherokee Purple’

  • Growing Temp 65°F – 85°F
  • Days to Maturity 80-90 days

Ease of Cultivation and Culinary Use: Cherokee Purple is an heirloom tomato variety known for its deep, dusky purple-pink color and complex, sweet, and smoky flavor. It is moderately challenging to grow due to its susceptibility to cracking and the need for consistent watering. This tomato variety is ideal for slicing and eating fresh in sandwiches or salads, as its rich flavor shines best when enjoyed raw.

Direct Sowing: For direct sowing, plant Cherokee Purple seeds outdoors once the soil temperature is consistently above 65°F. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and space plants 24-36 inches apart. The soil should be kept moist but well-drained. Because Cherokee Purple is an indeterminate variety, the plants will continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season, requiring strong support such as stakes or tomato cages. Mulching around the base of the plants can help retain moisture and reduce weeds.

Early Sowing for Seedlings: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Use trays filled with quality potting mix and maintain a soil temperature of 70-80°F for optimal germination. Once the seedlings have developed true leaves and the weather warms, harden them off and transplant them outdoors, spacing them 24-36 inches apart. Ensure they are planted in full sun and have sturdy support like cages or stakes for the sprawling vines.

Harvesting: Cherokee Purple tomatoes are ready to harvest when they reach a deep purplish hue and feel slightly soft when gently squeezed. The fruit’s shoulders may remain green even when ripe. It’s best to harvest them slightly early, as overripe tomatoes tend to crack. Picking the fruit regularly will encourage more production throughout the season.


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